Publishing ethics

The publishing ethics of the Progressive Economy journal is based on the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation regarding copyright and the recommendations of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications, as well as on the valuable experience of Russian and international journals and publishing houses.

The editorial team of the journal in its activities is guided by the principles of science, objectivity, professionalism, impartiality. The editors of the journal do their best to comply with the ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community and to prevent any violation of these standards, both in their own work and in relationships with all participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, distributors and readers.

Responsibilities of Editors

Publication decision. The editors decide on the publication of the submitted articles based on checking the reliability of the work and its importance for researchers and readers, its originality and clarity of presentation, novelty and compliance with the profile of the journal, as well as taking into account the current legislation in the field of defamation, copyright and plagiarism.

Justice. The editors of the journal evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, origin or political views of the authors.

Confidentiality. The editor-in-chief and all editorial staff have no right to disclose information about the submitted manuscript to anyone else, except for the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants and, if necessary, the publisher.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest.

– Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in the own work of the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board, reviewers and other employees involved in working on the material sent for consideration, without the written consent of the author.
– Information obtained during the review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
– The editor-in-chief must refuse to consider the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions with authors and organizations associated with this work (in this case, the deputy editor-in-chief or any member of the editorial board can take over the functions of the editor-in-chief by his order ).
– The editor should require authors to provide information about the existence of a conflict of interest and publish corrections, if any, are found after publication.
– The editor undertakes to ensure compliance with the procedures for reviewing articles. Works are accepted for publication solely on the basis of their academic merit, and not for commercial reasons.

Investigation of ethical complaints. The editor, in conjunction with the publisher, takes reasonably prompt action when ethical complaints are received regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures usually include interaction with the authors and consideration of the complaint, but may also involve interaction with relevant organizations and research centers. If the complaint is substantiated, a correction or refutation is published. Every complaint of an ethical nature is subject to review, even if received several years after publication.

Journal citation. Journal editors should not force authors to cite the journal in which the work is published. Any recommendations for citing papers should be based on their scientific value and should aim to improve the material presented.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

Participation in the decision to publish. The peer review process assists the editor and the editorial board in making editorial decisions, and can also help the author improve the quality of his work. The publisher shares the view that all researchers who wish to publish their articles can participate in the peer review. Any visitor to the journal’s website can leave a comment about the article.

Performance. Any Reviewer who considers their qualifications insufficient to review the manuscript or who does not have enough time to quickly complete the work should notify the editor and refuse to review the corresponding manuscript.

Confidentiality. Any manuscripts received for peer review should be treated as confidential documents. They should not be discussed with others without the prior permission of the editor.

Objectivity standards. The reviewer is obliged to give an objective assessment. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviewers must clearly and reasonably express their opinion.

Recognition of original sources. Reviewers should identify cases where the published work uses materials that are not listed in the bibliography of the manuscript. Any observations, conclusions or arguments taken from other publications should be formatted as citations with a bibliographic reference. The reviewer is also obliged to inform the editor about the discovery of the similarity of the submitted article with any other published work known to the reviewer.

Disclosure Policy and Conflict of Interest. Unpublished data contained in the submitted work are not subject to disclosure and cannot be used in the reviewer’s research without the written consent of the author. The reviewer must refuse to consider the submitted work if there is a conflict of interest due to competition, cooperation or other relationships with authors and organizations associated with the submitted manuscript.

Author Responsibilities

Requirements for the submitted manuscript. Authors of papers containing the results of original research must provide reliable results of the work done, as well as objective arguments in favor of its significance. The work must be accurate and contain sufficient detail and bibliographical references to enable possible reproduction. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements are perceived as unethical behavior and unacceptable. Manuscripts must be objective, contain verified information.

Data access and storage. Authors may be asked to provide their original research data for editorial review. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to this information, if feasible, and in any case be prepared to retain this data for at least ten years after publication, provided that the confidentiality of the information is maintained.

Originality and plagiarism. Authors must ensure that they submit original work for consideration. In the case of using works or statements of other authors, appropriate bibliographic references should be provided. Plagiarism can exist in many forms, from presenting someone else’s work as one’s own, to copying or paraphrasing significant parts of someone else’s work (without attribution), to claiming one’s own rights to the results of someone else’s research. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Plurality, duplication and simultaneity of publications. Submitting the same manuscript as an original publication to more than one journal at the same time is unethical behavior and is unacceptable. The author should not submit an already published article for consideration in another journal. By submitting a work for consideration, the author retains the rights to the published material.

Recognition of original sources. The work of other researchers should always be acknowledged. Authors should cite publications that have influenced the content of the submitted work. Information obtained privately should not be presented in a work without the written permission of the original source.

Authorship of the manuscript. The authors of the publication can only be those persons who have made a significant contribution to the development, execution or interpretation of the presented research. All those who have made a significant contribution to the work should be presented as co-authors of the article. The author of the manuscript must ensure that the list of co-authors includes all participants who have made significant contributions to the study, and must also ensure that all co-authors agree on the final version of the article. The work is placed in the public domain; copyright is reserved by the authors.

Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest. The authors of the articles must declare any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that may be perceived as having influenced the results of the study. All sources of financial support for the project must be named. Examples of such conflicts of interest that must be disclosed are employment, consulting, stock ownership, royalties, paid expertise, patents, grants, and other financial support. Potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

Significant errors in published works. If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the publication, the author must inform the editor of the journal in a timely manner in order to withdraw the publication or correct errors as soon as possible. If the editor receives information from a third party that the work contains significant errors, the author must withdraw the work or correct the errors as soon as possible, or provide the editor-in-chief with evidence of the correctness of the published work.

Plagiarism detection. The editors are committed to helping the scientific community in all aspects of implementing the publishing ethics policy.

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