Requirements for the design of articles
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Requirements for the design of articles
Especially for you, we have prepared an editable template (Word) in which you need to arrange the article sent for review.
Information for authors
The journal publishes articles by researchers and faculty, graduate students, doctoral students, applicants, undergraduates, students, and independent experts.
Rules for the design of manuscripts
- Materials that have not been published before or have been submitted for review to other publications are accepted for publication.
- Recommended volume of materials: from 10 to 20 A4 pages.
- The uniqueness of the text without “Literature” should be from 75% in the Anti-Plagiarism
- The materials are provided in the following format:
in the Microsoft Office Word editor;
font “Times New Roman”;
The main text is size 14;
interval 1.0 (single);
left: 3 cm, right: 1.5 cm, top and bottom: 2 cm.
indentation (paragraph) -1.25 cm;
width alignment;
the list of references is given in alphabetical order, references are made in square brackets [1]; the page is indicated if we quote: “Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten” [2, p. 67];
the minimum amount of literature is 10 sources; recommended – from 15 sources, but no more than 30 sources. On average, no more than 25 sources are recommended for an article volume of 10 pages in a single interval, taking into account metadata and references.
References are indicated after the list of references: transliteration from Cyrillic is carried out according to the BSI standard. Service: .
The order of arrangement (structure) the text and an example of the design (including the UDC and the author’s data):
Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission: 5.2.3
UDC 796.062.4
Ivanov I.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Annotation. The recommended volume is 150 words.
Keywords: 4-7 words.
Ivanov I.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Abstract. The recommended volume is 150 words.
Keywords: 4-7 words.
JEL classification: You can select the codes by following the link.
For citation: Ivanov I.I. Problems of Economic Development of an industrial enterprise in the Oil and Gas Sector // Progressive Economics. 2023. No. 7. pp. 90-119.
0.5-1.5 pages. It implies the disclosure of the relevance of the topic with argumentation (firstly, secondly … statistical data confirming the presence of a problematic aspect …). Setting a goal.
The purpose of the article is to develop/implement/analyze…..
Literature review
It implies a critical analysis of recent research on the topic with a link to each scientific work. The recommended number of analyzed researchers is at least 5 (the use of foreign sources is also welcome). Based on the results of the literary review, it is necessary to draw a conclusion as to which aspects have not been studied by the researchers, and what contribution your research makes to the prism of scientific knowledge.
Materials and methods
This section indicates on the basis of which sources (domestic / foreign), statistical collections, etc. it is planned to carry out research (research materials) and using which specialized methods. Try to give methods specifically taking into account your problems, avoiding the use of well-known ones.
Results and discussion
The section presents the main results of the study, including calculations, basic concepts, models justifying the significance of the study. All diagrams, figures, and tables should be analyzed for significance in the context of the study.
The text of the article should be logically constructed and scientifically justified.
Based on the above, we can say….
I think…..
The results of the work are summarized, and prospects for future research are outlined.
The list of references is indicated alphabetically: first Russian, and then foreign sources.
An example of the design of federal laws and regulations:
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 11/17/2008 and No. 1662-r (ed. dated 09/28/2018) “On the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 11/24/2008. No. 47. St. 5489.
- The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part one) dated 07/31/1998 No. 146-FZ (as amended on 08/02/2019) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. No. 31. 08/03/1998. Article 3824.
Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated 06.12.2011 (as amended on 07/26/2019) “On Accounting” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 12.12.2011. No. 50. St. 7344.
An example of the design of textbooks (dissertations) by one (several) authors:
- Abratina M.S. Acoustics of representation. M.: Delo i serv, 2017. 528 p.
Geleta I.V., Kalinskaya E.S., Kofanov A.A. Economics of organization: monograph. M.: Master, 2014. 304 p. - Dzhioev V.A. Financing of the investment process in Russian regions in order to overcome crisis phenomena in the economy: dissertation of the Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.10. M., 2022.26 p.
An example of the design of scientific articles by one (several authors):
- Tomaichuk L.V. Digitalization of the Chinese economy: risks and opportunities for society // Eurasian integration: economics, law, politics. 2019. No. 3. pp. 31-36.
- Sheludyakov I.S., Lebedeva Krassa E.N. Digital inequality in the regions of Russia: problems and ways to overcome them // Progressive Economy. 2023. No. 2. pp. 23-43.
E-commerce in China: current state, development strategies and new trends // China Finance and Economic Review. 2021. No. 3. pp. 71-94.
An example of the design of electronic sources:
- The World Health Organization. About a healthy lifestyle [Electronic resource]. URL:
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated 05/07/2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” // Official Internet portal of legal information [Electronic resource]. URL:
- International Institute for Management Development. World Competitiveness Rating [Electronic resource]. URL:
The State Council of the People’s Republic of China [Electronic resource]. URL:
Conditions for the publication of manuscripts
The founder of the journal and the members of the editorial board are aimed at publishing relevant and useful scientific works.
Scientific articles that have successfully passed the internal review of the Editor-in-Chief or his deputy, as well as received approval from the reviewer, are published on a first-come, first-served basis. In case of non-compliance with the requirements for publication, the article is returned for revision: comments, recommendations and deadlines are brought to the attention of the author; if publication is refused, a reasoned refusal is sent to the author.
Acceptance of articles in the current issue is until the 25th of each month.
Important! Dear authors, if attempts to disguise borrowings or use neural networks (Chat GPT) to generate text are detected, the article will be rejected.
DOI (digital object identifier) is a digital object identifier, an international standard for designating information about an object presented on the network (GOST R ISO 26324-2015); adopted in the scientific environment for data exchange between scientists from all over the world.
Postgraduates (adjuncts) and other authors are not charged for the publication of manuscripts.
Read the following lines and copy them to the end of the article file.
The author guarantees that the above-mentioned material has not been previously published, and is also not under consideration in another journal.
The author guarantees that all copyrights are respected in the above-mentioned material: among the authors are all those and only those who have made a significant contribution to the study, for all borrowed fragments (text quotations, tables, figures and formulas), sources are indicated that allow identifying their author.
The author is aware that the facts of scientific dishonesty revealed both during the review process and after the publication of the article (plagiarism, re-publication, disclosure of protected data) may entail not only the withdrawal of the article from publication, but also criminal prosecution by those whose rights will be violated as a result of the publication of the text.
Articles by authors who cannot or do not consider it necessary to be responsible for the materials provided are not considered by the editorial board.
Magazine release schedule
- #12 December 2024
- #11 November 2024
- #10 October 2024
- #9 September 2024
- #8 August 2024
- №7 July 2024
- #6 June 2024
- #5 May 2024
- #4 April 2024
- #3 March 2024
- №2 February 2024
- №1 January 2024